Blackjack Glossary
Newcomers to blackjack are often puzzled by some of the colorful expressions veterans use when talking about the game. Even intermediate players might not know all of the terms and their definitions. I've put together this blackjack glossary to explore some of the language used in casinos at the blackjack table.
You can contact us if you have additional terms you'd like to see defined here. I've tried to make this blackjack glossary as comprehensive as possible, but nothing's ever perfect, and everything can always be improved. So please send additional terms and definitions at your discretion..
"I got caught counting at the Vegas Hilton, and I was 86'ed."
"He brought enough action to the casino to get a comped breakfast, but that was all."
"She was betting $100 per hand, and the table was averaging 50 hands per hour. Her action each hour was $5000."
"His bet spread was $10 to $50." This means he was betting $10 per hand, but he might bet as much as $50 per hand if he felt like he was in a favorable enough situation.
He'd been playing for a while, but he was ready to quit. So he asked the dealer to color him up so he wouldn't have to carry so many chips to the cage.
"She was flat betting $10 per hand until the count became +5. Then she raised her bet to $50."
A casino has a blackjack game with a house edge of 1%. A player is playing for $100 per hand. In the short term, the player will win some hands for $100 or $150, and she will also lose some hands for $100. But over a long period of time, the casino expects her to lose about $1 for every hand she plays at that $100 bet.
"I was playing at the Harrahs in Kansas City, and they rated me as a $10 per hand player—even though I was ranging my bets from $10 to $100 per hand."
In a game where you're betting $10 per hand, you're betting $50 when you bet 5 units.
Unbalanced counts are used in systems where you don't want to convert the running count into a true count
I played for 40 hours over the last two weeks in Vegas, and I'm up $4000. My win rate is $100/hour.